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A member registered Jul 14, 2017

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This has been by far my favorite game I've played this jam! Love the atmosphere (pun intended), art, movement, music, concept. It was so satisfying to move around and then the surprise at the end gave me the stupidest grin.

My only complaints would be the camera can be a bit nauseating at times, the controls while you hit the nail on the head, if you made a mistake and kinda lose control and spiral out i have to hold the rotate button while i wait for the screen to stop spinning like I've had one too many.  My suggestion to the latter would be some sort of "auto correct" button kinda like you see in outer wilds.

Would love to see a full version of this!

Great minds really do think alike lol. I really love your take on this, the platforming and movement feel really tight and responsive and I like the combination of thinking where to attack and also skill needed to perform it.

Great minds really do think alike lol. I really love your take on this, the platforming and movement feel really tight and responsive and I like the combination of thinking where to attack and also skill needed to perform it.

Hey thanks for the input! this was something we realized but decided to keep in due to wanting to give the player room to explore and figure out their own solutions rather than stifle creativity and force the player to just find one solution. Unfortunately with the time given that means some of the potential solutions wont be as fun. Something we def wish we had more time to playtest and design around.

Interesting idea and nice work on the cut-scenes and art.

Just a heads up i would remove the link to a separate version cause that's against the rules and can get you disqualified.

Very cute art style and interesting idea.

Loved all the faces and different reactions, very emotive and alive

Really interesting concept and def a great jumping off point for an smart strategic turn based battle game. But what really stood out to me was the visuals. love the style and the animations

Unique and interesting idea. The controls were a bit slippery which is more noticeable with the concept you have, would love to play around in more levels with tighter controls

Really cute design and graphics, and real solid base idea and execution . Straight to the point and doesn't waste my time, I think two levels is enough to show what is needed to show for a Jam, great work

Great atmosphere and level design. Was a little confusing and hard to get used to the controls but I had fun exploring this castle

Really enjoy jumping with one and having the other take the place at the same time, lots of interesting speedrunning potential

I really like the idea of "ping pong"ing your soul around different objects. Great execution

"Try adding some lettuce and tomato" DONT TELL ME HOW TO ENJOY MY BURGER!

But seriously really novel idea and I love the feed back it gives you with the different types of burgers. Def something I would mind having on my phone to play on commutes in the subway. Really cute

Wow really beautiful and quite fun. Like Mario odyssey meets game boy zelda!

Lots of fun and had a good laugh at this. Great job

Really really neat idea! It was a bit difficult to tether enemies together but was quite satisfying when you do get that shot. I think it would be nice to have  more slower enemy walking around and a lil less ones that shoot at the start so it gives you enough time to play around with the tether gun.

Wow this was so much fun for how simple it was. You really had a good idea and nailed it down, would absolutely play a more polished version of this with more levels

You had me at the tag line, lots of fun and i was grinning the whole time. Gets a little complicated later on and feels a bit trial and errory but other than that really loved it.

Really Really like this idea, the simplicity is nice and playing around with it really gets my zen going, especial after a tense weekend of game making. All i would say is smooth the movement a bit more would really make it feel more loose and relaxed. Other than that great game!

Really cute and pleasantly surprised me with how it work. Unfortunately i got soft locked in one of the levels and the reset didn't work

really cute and got sucked in when i realized what was going on. tho it can be quiet hectic and difficult at first

Really enjoyed the tank monstrosity when you pick up armor

Really cool idea, a bit hard to get to top speed